Promoting the use of Library And Cultivating Reading Habits

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CBP Webinar on 'Promoting the use of Library and Cultivating Reading Habits. CBSE has conducted a webinar under the title Capacity Building Programme for teachers on the topic.

Resource Person was Ms. Sharda Chandrashekharan. She suggested that library should be visually appealing with interactive corners, silent reading corners, G. D. corners, creative corners, project making corners, cozy corners etc.

She also laid emphasis on the features of a good library. It must have bean bags and standing desks to facilitate the students as per their reading requirements.

In order to promote reading habits among the students she suggested that DEAR program should be initiated which means Drop Everything And Read. She advised teachers to read a part of text with expression and emotions to make the reading interesting and fun loving. She also suggested that students may be encouraged to donate books on World Library Day and on their birthdays. All and all it was an innovative and informative session that will inspire teachers and schools to update as per the need of the time.